SECOND REPUBLIC (1931-1936):
After the preference of the Spanish citizens for the republic, Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of that republic, and Manuel Azaña was president of the government.During the first two years, there was a republican-socialist coalition government, which created a new constitution with reformist measures, to solve the problems of that time, but these measures fail.After new elections, the right side wins, forming a government with the radical party ,chaired by Gil Robles and the CEDA, which will stop the reforms which bringing out new discontents causing the 1934 revolution.After the coalition of the left parties; Republicans, socialists, communists and anarchists, won the elections and put back the reforms paralyzed by the right.This situation returned great social revolts between the left and right side, being given in 1936 a coup of Colonel Casado that will end in a Civil War.The Republic brought political and economic problems. There was a great political instability due to the fragmentation between the left and right parties, which caused an increase in the conflictivity. Regarding the economy, Spain was affected by the international economic crisis, since that exports were reduced as well as remittances for the return of emigrants and foreign investment also decreased.This international crisis also affected businessmen as their benefits were reduced.
During this period, production levels in the agricultural sector have increased, unlike industry. However, the Spanish economy was protected by the crisis thanks to its backwardness and isolation due to the pessimism influence of exports in the economy, which encourages private consumption.
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