The Francoist Dictatorship


Ideological foundations of the regime: concentration of political power in Franco, anti-communism, traditionalism, militarism, anti-parliamentarism and anti-liberalism, fascist traits, national-patriotism, national-Catholicism, national-trade unionism ( Party-Single Union: FET de las JONS).

The political evolution of the dictatorship is divided into several stages:

And they approve the fundamental laws of the movement, a set of laws that synthesized the basic aspects of the Spanish political system (As a constitution does).

The economic transformations that were carried out were:

  • In 1939, Spain was a country ruined by war, are given ration cards and the "Estraperlo" (black market) became the only means to acquire necessary goods.

  • The solution of the regime was Autarky (1939-1951): Economic policy based on the search for economic self-sufficiency and state intervention.

  • In 1945 the INI was created to promote the creation of industries and industrialize the country. This was achieved: to enhance the light industry versus the basic, the tendency to monopoly was strengthened, and the state was one of the big capital investors which allowed it to control the production.

  • This led to several strikes which provoked the start of liberalization (1951-1956): It brought about a certain economic expansion and the prices were stabilized until 1956. The entry into the UN meant the economic openness of the regime.

  • In 1959 the Stabilization Plan was created and its objectives were: price stability, flexibilization of economic activity and the release of economic relations with the outside world. The measures included were: the devaluation of the peseta and the suppression of the rigid state controls of the economy.

  • From 1964 to 1975, three development plans were developed and their objectives were to: programme the growth of various sectors of the economy and promote the development of certain geographical areas; But the last one was abandoned coinciding with an international economic crisis in 1973.

  • Of 1960-1973 There was a great economic development, with large foreign investments, a massive arrival of tourists and the elimination of unemployment through emigration to Europe.

  • The economic policy of the last years of Francoism was marked by the international crisis, whose effects in Spain were the return of emigrants and the increase of unemployment and inflation.

Covers of Spanish newspapers announcing the death of Franco.


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